Friday, January 27, 2012

Die Suckers!

I had 7 people lined up to go 
snowshoeing yesterday 
and by 9am 
everyone of them cancelled!
Mostly because of being sick themselves, or sick kids, or sick babysitters...crazy!

Many of you know my "swear by" weapon of choice to combat illness.
It totally works!
I take 2 TB of Bragg's Raw Apple Cider Vinegar every morning.
If I am surrounded by sick people (and I always am!), then I take that amount, morning, noon and night.

At first, it's a little intense. But, now, I absolutely love the ZING it gives my brain, and then the warming sensation that it sends throughout my body.
As it enters my system, the words
go through my head. 
I imagine all of those little nasty cold and flu bugs being obliterated in 60 seconds flat!

If you too are feeling a little, or a lot under the weather, here is another way to help your body regain it's health and strength:
Beet, Orange and Ginger Juice
It's a Vitamin C powerhouse!
3 navel oranges
2 medium beets with the greens
2 inch knob of fresh ginger
Sometimes I add a cup of spinach to this juice 
to help raise my iron levels as well.
Vit. C helps your body to absorb iron.

Today instead of my usual strength training and cardio routine, I am heading out snowshoeing with my friend Marie, and then we are going to the rock climbing gym.
21 Day Detox class tomorrow still has openings!
Sign up by tonight at 10pm so that I know how many to plan for.



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