My ancestry from both me ma and pop is mostly Scottish and English,
but thanks to the Irishness passed on to my family by my spunky
Mother-in-Law, Peggy Lea Monahan and her kin,
We claim to be Irish today.
Right now,
I'm busy making all of my own raw
energy gels, electrolyte drinks and energy bites, for my race this weekend in Moab.
I'm also making many snacks and meals for the rest of the time.
Apparently, I will not be hungry one second if I have anything to do with it!
(I'll post recipes after the weekend)
I'm so excited to take off, head south, munch on goodness along the way, laugh with friends, listen to sweet tunes, arrive and then pull up at the KOA, hook up our camper and then sleep like a champ in a sleeping bag snuggled up to my hunky husband and then wake up bright and early, drink in the clean air, head to the starting line and then run like the wind!
You can tell where my mind has been wandering today, while working in my kitchen.
I almost forgot that it was St. Patricks Day today.
To celebrate today, I'm also going to whip up some of our favorite foods that are filled with
greens and goodness.
You should too!
Enjoy a Green Smoothie:
4 C mango
2 T lime juice
1 banana
1 leaf of collard, swiss chard or kale
1/4 C purified water
serves 2-4
Have 2 bowls full of greens!
A yummy blend of these:
1C mixed green lettuces
1 avocado sliced
1 T raw sesame seeds
1 T raw pumpkin seeds
Mix a little mustard up with some balsamic vinegar and top the salad.
Mix in a blender these:
1 cooked zucchini
1 stalk celery
1 T red onion
5 basil leaves
1/2 t sea salt
1/4 avocado
4 C pure water
Heat up after blended is needed, otherwise enjoy it at room temperature.
May the Luck O' the Irish shine upon you this day!
Health and Happiness,
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